EFT Research

Emotional Freedom Therapy is a relatively new medium and has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of many psychological and physical issues. Over 100 research studies, review articles and meta-analyses have been published in professional, peer-reviewed articles. This includes 43 randomized controlled trials and 39 outcome studies, with 98% of these showing positive results. Four meta-analyses have been conducted and another one is due to be published soon.

A 2010 study examined the effect of a brief EFT demonstration and continued self-application on anxiety, depression, pain and cravings in healthcare professionals, including physicians, psychiatrists, nurses, psychotherapists and alternative medicine practitioners. Improvements held up over time and at three months follow-up, significant decreases were recorded in anxiety and depression (34%), intensity of traumatic memories (83%), pain scores (68%) and cravings (83%).

In a study, published in 2012, moderately to severely depressed students, were randomly assigned to either a treatment group, which received four 90 minute group sessions of EFT or a control group with no treatment. Post-tests three weeks later showed a marked reduction in depression amongst the treatment group (BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) mean of 23.44 fell to 6.08), whilst the control group’s level of depression was more or less unchanged (BDI mean of 20.33 decreased to 18.04).

In 2013, a study examining the effectiveness of Tapping on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), exposed veterans to a 6-hour long EFT training session. In examinations one month to six weeks after the training, the veterans displayed “significantly reduced psychological stress”, and 90% of those trained no longer met the criteria for someone who has PTSD. This percentage remained fairly consistent at three months (86%) and at six months (80%), demonstrating EFT’s effectiveness as a modality for long-term stress reduction.

A study conducted in 2015 examined whether EFT could reduce the side effects associated with the use of Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors in women with breast cancer. The study’s aim was to evaluate whether Emotional Freedom Technique could improve mood state and secondarily, menopausal symptoms, fatigue and pain experienced by women receiving breast cancer treatment therapies. Measurements were taken at six and twelve weeks of working with EFT, and a marked reduction in anxiety, depression, fatigue and hot flushes were recorded.

EFT is currently under review by NREPP (the National Repertory of Evidence Based Practices and Procedures, a division of SAMHSA) in the U.S., and by NICE (the National Institute for Clinical Excellence) in the UK. It’s precursor TFT (Thought Field Therapy), was validated by NREPP as an evidence-based treatment in 2016.

A comprehensive list of studies can be found on energypsych.org/research.